Kamis, 28 Mei 2009


Yak, lomba menulis essay UGM 2009 dimulai !! Kala itu aku iseng2 melihat pengumuman tentang lomba essay ini. Hanya sebatas kepenginan menulis dan melimpahkan skill bahasa Inggris ku adalah motivasi mengukuti lomba ini. Waktu itu, saya masih ucap-ucup dalam bahasa Inggris, cuma ingin tau sampe mana sih kemampuanku. ketik....ketik....ketik....., akhirnya jadi juga essay pertamanku. pertama ga ya ??? Sebenarnya aku agak-agak lupa ini yang pertama atau dulu dah pernah. By the way, it doesn't matter. the important thing is I GOT MY ORIGINAL ESSAY.

this is my essay

By: Faozan Indresputra
Alternative Energy Concept as Solution of Energy Crisis
In this century, energy becomes the most important necessity for human beings. Energy is used for supplying any needs, example for industries, vehicles, power plants, fuels, and etc. In Indonesia, the electricity usage moving increasingly together with escalation of national economic growth. This electricity improvement needs estimated rising up on average for 6,5 percent each year until 2020 (Muchlis,2003; Rudi,2008). Looking of many using electricity for recently, it could be called the ability to supplay electricity is difficult to achieve it, even though the reality still much potential for the other sources energy that unidentified on earth.
The decicion of president No.10 in 2005 about saving energy can be understand based on indicator elasticity of energy and intencity of energy. In Indonesia, energy usage is really wasteful. Many of sides are blame each others especially on political elite level And coorperation in Indonesia. Actually, to solve this case, there are several solutions which commonly to find and develop the new kinds of energy.
Alternative energy appears as solution is result of environment problems. The emission of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide) that causing global warming come from sources energy like oils, fossil fuels, coals, and natural gases escorded with unrenewable. Burning fuels are related with fulfillment of energy sector for economics nation enhancement. Energy crisis is a problem that can be solved with renewable energy and it doesn’t have impact to the environment.
Take a look the position of BBM as unrenewable fuel and the oils stock just only enough at least 30-50 years onward and it has calculated since 2002. it’s only be solved with finds alternative energy. The usage of this energy in Indonesia approximately about 22 percent (Ditjen Listrik dan Pemanfaatan Energi,2001). Whereas, the kinds of alternative energy in Indonesia is abundant, many of people didn’t know or less note from us or the government.
Usage Capacity (MegaWatt)
Large Hydro
Mini/mikro hydro
Solar energy
Wind energy
Source : Ditjen Listrik and Pemanfaatan Energi, 2001

Indonesia as tropical country, certainly has many of renewable resource energy and huge potential for development. First, the most abundant of  solar energy is very reasonable for used. It is remind Indonesia located in tropical area, so the sunlight always exist for each year then it becomes potential for us. Usually, the primary use of solar energy is for heating. The Conversion of solar energy to electric energy is performed by use of solar cells. In addition the energy which reached surface’s earth throughout estimated about 3 x 1024 Joule every years. That number is equal with 20.000 times world’s consumtion. It also a non polluting decentralized source of energy. Otherwise the obstacles is a dequate technology is not available to utilize this source on an extensive scale, needed high cost, and wide field with good efficiency. Moreover, these similar concept are used with solar panel, it is called photovoltaic cell. This concept is compatible to be used in one house, because of the energy produced just little bit. This mode usually used in isolated area from power plant.
Solar energy utilization can be maximalize with Hybrid Solar Lightning (HSL). HSL can be used as exposure at midday to replace PLN electricity. This device is a combination between parabola to collect energy and optic fiber as solar energy bringer from outside to inside. The usage of HSL is capable to save energy reminds up to now many electricity extinction at the day because of using it that surpass the capacity. HSL have simply concept. Parabola is placed on the roof to obtain power from solar. Then, energy is distributed through the optic fiber cabel to HSL panel and at last point is connected to the lamps. The adventages of HSL indeed doesn’t causing pollution. Parabola’s form, diameter, and other variety will affecting focus spot of  the light which is collected. Then, it will be affected on solar energy intensity level.
Wind power is also the other option alternative because it can be used during the day or night. It is suitable for Asia and North America that have windy weather. For Indonesia, it very potential because Indonesia have long coastline which can be used as offshore or onshore wind park.
The third power is hydroelectric power that usually comes from dams currently account for an estimated 90 percent of the electrical energy produced by renewable resource, tidal energy, and wave power are also acceptable for Indonesia which has long coastline area even the length is the biggest after Canada. Rivers and waterfalls which are utilized have not side effect and can be used as irrigation. Wave power usually be applied at wavy oceans then using wave to spin the turbines, but the problem is the destructive ocean waves then impair machine performance. Identical concept is used for Tidal energy. Differently, just only the altitude of sea surface level and bigger waves, so it can produced huge energy.
Another potential source of energy is Geothermal power. Indonesia’s mountains are still active and produce certainly have potential area. Our geothermal supply nearly equal with 20.000 MegaWatt or 40 percent of geothermal world supplies. However, the utilization in Indonesia are still less, it is just 800 MegaWatt or 4 percent from all (Alimin Ginting, 2005). For example Indonesia have enough food, if we want to cook, first that we need is the chef who have abilities to transform it become food. Apperently, the world has concern about geothermal in Indonesia. It proved that Indonesia has been chosen as host of World Geothermal Congress 2010. This Energy is very clean from pollution but need more maintenance to keep the utility because it must working in heat area.
The kind of energy which have water emission is hydrogen. It is save for used and the benefit is almost nothing pollution. Whether hydrogen is renewable or not depends on how it is produced. If produced from water, using renewable sources of electrycity, or from many different kinds of biomass, hydrogen is completely renewable. If hydrogen is produced from natural gases, coals or water, using nuclear energy, hydrogen is not renewable. And the application is also difficult, just many of company that utilized it. While wider usage perhaps many of years.
Bioenergy is the brilliant, accurate, effective, and efficient alternative energy solution because it also prevail energy crisis and garbage disposal problem. The potency of  bioenergy in Indonesia almost reaches 331.232 MegaWatt, however which just used less about 20 percents. Biogas comes from gases which produced by organic matters with utilizing human and animal wastes have obvious environmental benefit or reducing disease as well as allowing the remaining nutrient material to be used as fertilizer. The device which used to process biowaste or biomass inside air close meshed is called digester. Because it is from garbage, certainly very interesting to be developed. For example the utilization of biomass can solve garbages problem in Jakarta City that have amount of average garbages about 20.000 ton each day. It can be transformed to produce electric power almost 100 MegaWatt. To produce electricity, trash can be processed through direct combustible.
Biomass is energy sources which containing solar energy. Using photosynthesis process, green leaves matters to catch solar energy dan convert carbon dioxside from air and water on the ground become carbohydrate, the result is carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Whenever carbohydrate is burned, they will reform become carbon dioxide and release their solar energy. Using this way, biomass are functioned as sort of nature battery to save solar energy. biomass is the way to convert organic matters become energy, in combustion form or convert become liquid fuel. Biomass energy brings many adventages on environtment, reduces air and water pollution. Enhancing soil quality and decreases erosion and restores the wildlife.
Biomass conversion is also enhance biomass utilization through briket or pellet formation (Densifikasi). It will make easily in biomass usage. The puposes are enhancing density of calorie value each unit of volume, makes easily in storage and transportation, have small size and identical quantity (bhattacharya,1996). One of the biomass density utilization example is with burn manner is rice husks usage at Diesel Power Plant Generator. There are milling place PT Pertani at haurgeulis village, Indramayu, West Java. Machine which have height 4 meters is known as Husk Power Plant Generator. It is result of research PT Indonesia Power, the kid of PLN company, born since September 2003. Apparently, this power plant can produce 1 x 100 KiloWatt. Additionally, carbonization is also use same concept to convert organic matters become charcoal. Carbonization degeneration will release flameable matters like CO, CH4, H2, formaldehid, methane, formic, and acetil acid then matters which doesn’t burned like CO2, H2O, and fluid.
 Waterwaste recycle effort which come from households, industries, and agricultural is also a necessary energy in development caused by citizen explosion in some country. Sludge from the result of manufacture waste, if it is processed will produce humat material which have high price for damaging field. In humification procces, water conversation level and heat level are used as basic humification waste material technology. Humat soluable matters is Fulfat Acid. This humic substance have high immunity for soil degradation. Because of that, it is really important on soil management. If humic substance inside soil is empty, then the aggregate is easily dispersed and it makes soil vurnerable for erosion. Processing waste and humification, they can also save mineral resources like natural gases which usually be used as basic production materials of nitrogen fertilizer.
On effort to challenge energy crisis, we can find the solutions with saving energy, wisely for use it in long term or short term. Creating renewable resources solutions in long term through policy decicions that focus on sources energy development which doesn’t increase the amount of heat trapping gases in the atmosphere. Discovering way of technology as short term product. As a responsible world society, starts looking for renewable energy include solar, geothermal, wind, hydro, and biomass energy which doesn’t contribute to greenhouse gases. Afterward providing generous financing for renewable energy.
These potency doesn’t means without government’s support and wide society. Establish development alternative energy team with publish blueprint or arrangement to manifest strategic ways to reach autonomy energy. We’ve known that consume of energy will be higher and higher and the unrenewable energy in Indonesia become diminished. So, the alternative energy is the right choice. In addition to enhancement these alternate power solitions with worthy feasible, cost effective, reduce destructive environment, and electricity utilization will encouragement public to keep natural resource sustainability to a better future of the world.

Wiley, John and Sons. 1981. Energy and Environment in the Developing Countries. School of Management. State University of New York.
Prihandana, Rama dan Roy Hendroko. 2007. Energi Hijau. Jakarta: Penebar Swadaya.
Elis. 2009. “Artikel”. http://www.setneg.go.id/index.php?Itemid=29&id=3171&option= com_content&task=view/ 22 Mei 2009 15.40
Saputra, Hervin. 2008. “Artikel". http://www.energi.lipi.go.id/utama.cgi?artikel&1115226658&5 / 22 mei 2009 16:13
Silverstein, Ken. 2007. “Artikel”. http://www.environmentalleader.com/2009/05/21/renewable-energy-standard-may-save-200b-in-annual-energy / 22 Mei 2009 16.46

WAH ga nyangka juga bisa juga buat. walaupun masih belepotan bahasanya. Anyway. my essay got 100 point, the highest point. Unfortunately, the point was given by me, not by the jury.
Pada akhirnya essayku menempati urutan KE-2 dari Bawah. kwowkowkowkowkowkw
betapa senengnya hatiku. Gpp lah. Baru juga belajar serius 2 bulan
eh, kalo ada kritik kata2 yang salah di essay mohon isapan saran GANASnya.
thanks, ciiaooooo