Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009

Dari Saya, untuk HIMABA, untuk Indonesia, untuk DUNIA

Dear guys. today I want to present activity of Oxfam International Youth Partnerships (OIYP). OIYP is a global network of young people working with their communities to create positive, equitable and sustainable change. Kegiatan OIYP ( ini adalah sebuah wadah anak-anak muda dari berbagai negara yang sangat antusias atau peduli tentang apa yang sedang terjadi di daerahnya. Mereka berkomitmen untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut baik dari segi lingkungan maupun sosial. Mereka berbagi pikiran dan pengalaman satu sama lain untuk membantu memecahkan masalah yang dihadapi di seluruh dunia. Nah dari sini saya membuat tulisan atau lebih tepatnya jawaban-jawaban terkait apa yang ditanyakan OIYP. pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang ditanyakan lebih mengenai aktivitas kita, organisasi yang kita ikuti dan negara kita. Tema yang saya bawa adalah tentang HIMABA atau sering terkenalnya Himpunan Mahasiswa Budidaya Hutan.

 Pengurus HIMABA 2008 (Beserta Lambangnya)

Dari sini kita pertama disuruh mengisi application form, dimana didalamnya terdapat banyak pertanyaan dalam bahasa inggris. Kira-kira ini adalah yang saya isikan

Please describe your field of study ?
Well, I am studying about forestry. My specification is Silviculture. How we build up and maintain forest according to the structure, composition, and objective so we earn the yields that are expected known as silviculture.

What is the name of the organisation?
HIMABA (Himpunan Mahasiswa Budidaya Hutan) Silviculture Students Organization.

What is the aim of the organisation?
To introduce people about how to build a forest from the small thing such as planting then the next things are maintaining, facilitating, protecting and the most important is how to make sustainable forest management among ecology, flora fauna and production.

SO FAR SO GOOD ................. BUT, dari sini mulai serius pertanyaannya

How would you describe your culture and the community you live in? What are you most proud of in your community? (250 words maximum ).
My country is a great place. Everybody live in peace. We respect social life highly such as mutual cooperation because live in a village you must be socializing with the villagers. You can’t stand alone so socializing is necessary in ethnic group. People in my village have also interest about recycling. Every Sunday, the villagers collect garbage from their home then they put a side it according to the type and made of what is trash. I love my community. Our focus is fulfilling the earth with trees. Therefore, we aware that protecting forest is equal as save the earth. As you know, in change of species trees is irreplaceable. They defy gravity. They are only natural elements that grow up to the sky for capturing sun energy. In this climate change era, I think this organization is needed to restore the forest on earth. Eventhough we can’t do a lot, just only planting and looking around where there is empty space then we plant it. Yeah, I think it is better to do action like this than talking about green, green, green, and many more, talk less do more. I hope more people will realize about our earth condition. They have to choose what they have to do to determine their own future about live on earth.

Through telling a story, describe the challenges and frustrations you face in your community? (200 words maximum)
Indonesian people morale has become great problem in my country. It is very difficult to change their morale or even make realize themselves. This year my country got confidence crisis problem. Conspiracy is booming in the government. The case is about the head of anti-corruption commission accused as actor of corruption itself. I ain’t going to explain it any further because everyday there is news about corruption in television. For example small thing like throw garbage misplaced, cutting trees illegally or without notice about the impact, Year by year, pollution become greater. I’m very upset to them whom doing like that. Imagine what will nature do to us?? There is always a consequence for anything that we have done. Plant goodness seed then you will get good result too. Plant destruction then you will get devoid. Perhaps, we can start from small thing such as think right. Once you think about what have you done, it is enough to change our attitude and break out the morality degradation. We can solve this problem together. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Imagine a perfect world now describe yourself and what you see around you in your community (200 words maximum)
May be you will find perfect world in like a heaven. Hahahaha......just kidding. When people on earth have dream about their own future, surely they will try to achieve it. Dream gives mankind hope. I think for almost 200.000 years live on earth, human has developed from primitive to modern lifestyle. They have developed according to their wills and that is their dream. When they don’t know about what they have to do, there is no future for them. Life without directions is nothing, it looks like you live but your spirits is gone. Even the single live form “cell” has purposes, for example that is reproduction. So keep your dream comes true.

What are you currently doing to contribute to your vision. (200 words maximum)
In This age, everything is possible. It is too late to be a pessimistic. We have seen something impossible become reality like answer number 3. May be a century ago we just only dreamed about going to the moon but we have reached it now. Everything starts from small thing. I think our contribution is still just small scale, just planting trees. I and my friends planted casuarinas equisetifolia at Kebumen a year ago. We knew it would be useful to help farmers along the coastline for their agriculture. As you know, this tree helps crops grow up in order to keep soil acidity in normal range. In addition, this plant is also used as the wind barrier and main barrier to protect the coastline at any time if tsunami comes. In this way, people will realize how important protecting the beach ecology through natural utilization.

Who are you doing this with (e.g. other people in your community or organisations)? (200 words maximum)
All the members of HIMABA (Silviculture Students Organization) and the local communities. We always work together with people especially with the local people. When our methods aren’t accepted by communities, we can try another way until reaching the deal. We can also adopt their way with right place and time. So synchronization between people and us is necessary for achieving the goal.

Can you describe a time when your plans were challenged? How did you manage this challenge? (200 words maximum)
Usually, to actualize our programs with the communities is quite difficult because people just only want the benefits. To make sure that our programs are advantageous, sometimes we must pay with our money first, then when the result has come, It is very easy to invite them for following us and continue for the next steps.

Describe how this issue affects people’s lives in your community. Who, in your community, is most affected by this issue and why? (200 words maximum)
Poverty is one of the problems of humanity. Up to now there still many people who live in deficiency needs. Indonesian people who live in the forests should be prosperous because of abundance of natural resources but this is just the opposite. They are living in poverty. Result of poverty that is the main problem in forestry. Because if the people who live in the forest aren’t prosperous then they'll take everything in the forest to meet their needs regardless of their limits. There is something wrong with our policy. Therefore, we can’t ignore them for to be reaching the sustainable forests.

What other issues are people in your community concerned about? (minimum 100 words)
Recently, we are concerning about reconstruction in Padang after earthquake. Our organization sent volunteer to help people over there. We join with Gadjah Mada University team. For almost 1 month, we worked there to heal Padang people mentality because they have become trauma about the earthquake. That is why we help them to ensure that they can stand up and continue to keep looking ahead to face this ordeal.

What might stop your community from achieving this vision? (100 words maximum)
When people don’t feel capable to do it, then it will end. So we must motivate ourselves and others that a champion is someone who gets up even when they can’t. You must give all you have for achieving the goal. Sharing happiness and difficulties are the key. 

Why do you want to participate in the Oxfam International Youth Partnerships? (200 words maximum)
I have never gone out from indonesia, so may be if I am chosen become participant on this event, I will get new experience from people around the world. Or perhaps it will help me for the next step that I have to choose and the future of my organization.

Kira-kira ini adalah jawaban dari pemikiran saya. Dulu, pengennya dari HIMABA, untuk seluruh dunia. Tapi ALLAH SWT belum mengizinkan. HIMABA disuruh berfokus untuk Indonesia dahulu. Masih banyak yang harus diselesaikan di negeri sendiri sebelum disuruh membantu negara lain. Well, keep going to catch your dream !!

Sekian dulu guys,

Jumat, 13 November 2009

The Y2Y Global Youth Conference 2009 Essay Competition

Berjalan2 dari wall post Alina tadi, saya nemu lomba buat essay lagi. Ya sudah deh cobain lagi. Mumpung lagi ketagihan. Latar belakang dari diadakannya lomba ini berasal dari prospek pasar tenaga kerja sulit. Tergantung pada daerah, pemuda pengangguran ini mudah 2-3 kali lebih tinggi daripada untuk orang dewasa. Terutama di negara-negara berkembang, sekolah-ke-bekerja transisi dapat menjadi proses yang panjang dan membosankan, di mana orang-orang muda meninggalkan sekolah, menjadi pengangguran dan menghabiskan waktu bergerak antara pengangguran, aktivitas dan pekerjaan informal. Bahkan, pemuda telah sering ditemukan untuk secara efektif bertindak sebagai "buffer," menyerap guncangan tidak proporsional selama siklus bisnis negatif, tetapi tidak menguntungkan sesuai selama booming ekonomi.
Dalam upaya untuk strategi untuk meningkatkan lapangan kerja untuk kaum muda, kewirausahaan sering dilihat sebagai suatu sarana penting dan berguna bagi pendapatan alternatif. Dengan sebagian besar penciptaan lapangan kerja secara keseluruhan biasanya berasal dari usaha kecil, yang mendukung kewirausahaan pemuda sekarang sering dianggap sebagai cara tambahan mengintegrasikan pemuda ke pasar tenaga kerja dan mengatasi kemiskinan. Namun, sementara itu diakui bahwa pemuda tahun sangat penting untuk menghasilkan ide-ide dan memperoleh pengalaman yang diperlukan untuk menjadi seorang pengusaha sukses, hanya orang-orang muda itu sendiri membentuk bagian kecil dari semua pengusaha.

Global Youth yang Y2Y Kompetisi Esai Conference 2009 mengajak pemuda untuk berbagi gagasan pada:

Apa saja kendala kewirausahaan pemuda di negara Anda? Apakah krisis global mengubah dinamika? Bagaimana pemerintah dapat membantu pengusaha muda untuk menciptakan dan mengembangkan sosial dan usaha produktif?

Silakan coba untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini dalam salah satu esai konsisten:

1. Apa yang menghalangi orang-orang muda di negara Anda atau komunitas untuk memulai bisnis mereka sendiri atau organisasi? Pikirkan tentang kendala dalam hal kondisi sosial ekonomi, budaya, pendidikan & pengalaman, akses keuangan & infrastruktur, kontak & jaringan, dan peraturan. Dalam seberapa jauh hambatan ini khusus untuk pemuda dibandingkan orang dewasa?

2. Apakah krisis keuangan global memperkuat beberapa kendala ini? Jika ya, apa dinamika?

3. Bagaimana menurut Anda pemerintah dapat / harus dilakukan untuk memperkuat kewirausahaan pemuda di negara Anda, kota atau komunitas lokal? Pikirkan tentang solusi dalam hal kendala yang diidentifikasi di atas.

Dari informasi diatas gw kena sindrom nulis English lagi. Langsung jadi aja ya essaynya. tanpa suara bengkel.

By : Faozan Indresputra
Youth Competency Enhancement in Making Creative Ideas
       The high unemployement point has become world classic problem of manpowership in Indonesia. Futhermore, with global crisis lately, it can be sure amount of unemployed people will be increased. One of the solution is lain in the new graduates who are expected to try to build their own business. After graduate, our bachelors habitual are sending a lot of  job application letters. This problem will always appear if there is no solution.
It is regrettable that many of the younger generation who came to the urban because since they admitted the difficulties  of capital and lack of expertise to manage their own business in their area. In fact, many potential areas could be develop as a new kind of business. Actually, there are many opportunities that are built by goverment institutions and corporation  to facilitate the younger creativity in rural areas for plants to build their own business. The aim is the young people in the village don’t go into town and develop rural economic and also attract back the young people from city to return to the village.
Indonesia has lot of college young graduates. The problem is when graduate they are confuse to get a job because the first thing that they think nothing else just only get a job. When they was studying in college their purpose got better permanent job. This contrasts with the amount of unemployement is often caused by inability to accommocadate the working world of productive labor. The high number of unemployement college graduates is triggered by the innability of these graduates in creating employment. What’s wrong with the education system of our universities ?
       Unwitting college education system in indonesia is still trapped in a functionalist perspective. Education as a primary component of human resource development should serve as a discourse of transformation of the norms and society values to preserve and strengthen the homogeneity of the community through conformity with attitude and skill set of rules that society demands (Durkheim). In this perspective, the human quality of education programming in such a way to fit with the industrial society logic and market demands.  Human beings are objects that must be adapted with industrial system logic that has been awakened. In other words, the basic of our universities education system  are still constructed on the logic of fulfillment production.
       It should be the university education system must base itself on the model of human. This system is in line with the critical paradigm of education looking to make a critical reflection of the dominant system. Condition universities in indonesia are still far from the ideals of human centered development. That’s why empowerment is needed in all youth potential. Reading and analyzing are  necessary  for every  contradiction  in society and find alternative solutions to overcome them.
       Research culture is still low, even if there is, most don’t have a significant value to the community. It is equipped with infrastructure and financial support of all minimal. The failure of the education system and universities in Indonesia to youth centered developent, indicating the absence of sustainable development in the intellectual youth empowerment as a collective human resources. Therefore, it is required strategic partnership between goverment and universities. In the era of regional autonomy, this partnership can be manifested through cooperation in many aspects (especially research) and also agencies plus related institutions both public and private in the region concerned. Superior uniersities in the mastery of both theoretical knowledge and practical, the goverment has a role in public policy, while the private sector has a role in product marketing and financial support.
       At this stage that must be noticed  are first, universities must develop curriculum that capable of academic interest (student) to improve their critical competencies. This condition is necessary to create intellectuals and competitive potential. Second, local goverment offices should realize of their vital role as basic of direct knowledge of the society transforming. During these agencies do not even have a clear competence in developing their vocational field. Third, private side should participate more actively in building their partnership with universities and goverment. That means go to develop the potential of the region so as to produce products that are effective and worth selling in the communitiy with superior quality score. One thing that is also important is the society should also participate actively so as to transfer knowledge directly and correctly. If the partnership is conducted in an integrated and continuous, then some benefits to be achieved are first, the college will be able to create a productive youth being, creative and entrepreneurial spirit so that unemployement of college graduates could be reduced. The competent graduates who can become an expert staff for goverment and private agencies to develop scientific. Second, prefessional services can be improved so that they can perform the function ideally in empowering the community.

     quoted on September 15, 2009

 NEXT ENGLISH TASKS PLEASE ......................... ahahahahahaha mumpung lagi ketagihan

Rabu, 11 November 2009

TIME is MONEY ??? Thinking Again !!

Surfing in the internet, checking updated news, looking for something new are my hobby. Dari sini, banyak sekali yang bisa dipelajari. Salah satu cara buat ngilangin bosen ya gini ini. Nah cerita-cerita, entah ga tau gimana bisa nemu profil FB ni cewek Namanya Alina Bezhenar, Russian. Kalo dilihat dari profilnya seh kayanya dia aktivis atau semacam young leader gitu. Dia juga banyak buanget channel dan diantaranya lintas negara. Yang namanya channel tuh ternyata penting banget. Dari sini kukorek semua info yang dia bagi biasanya lewat grupnya. Hampir tiap minggu, ada aja kegiatan internasional dari mulai konferensi youth event, magang, pertemuan, etc. Buuaanyyyaakk ammiiittt...... sampe2 dia kayanya ga bisa ngikuti semuanya dan ngasih info FREE OF CHARGE. Orang kaya gini emang yang sering gw suka karakternya. Soalnya, sekarang ini mungkin agak susah yang namanya dapetin infoemasi yang sesuai. Apalagi gw ini karakternya kurang pede kalo dalam memulai pendekatan secara sosial. Sekarang seh lagi belajar cara2 memulai pendekatan dan salah satunya udah gw temuin yaitu dengan cara SHARE IS ABOUT SPREADING BELIEF, HOPE and HAPPINESS.

Coba deh pikirin sejenak apa yang pencapaian mu yang paling kamu banggakan ?? MOBIL, UANG, RUMAH, JOB, PANGKAT  ? Kalo dipikir-pikir itu tuh wajar dan sudah umum. Jika diperhatikan hampir semua kenangan terbaik selalu melibatkan ORANG LAIN not just yourself. Iya ga ??????????? Our Best Memorize always come from other people and it is very important in your live. Liat aja orang2 yang ketika cerita dimana ada orang lain, mereka pasti tidak sabar untuk segera menceritakannya karena itu merupakan CERITA GEMBIRA mereka. 

Dari ini saya coba fight against a proverb "Time is Money" SETUJUU ??????


Yah tergantung pada dimana anda melihatnya dan pandangannya. Kalau saya, I OPPOSE !!!!! kenapa ??? Karena bagi saya waktu itu penting. Ga bisa lagi merasakan hal-hal indah pada masa lalu ketika menceritakan hal tersebut. Just Telling the Story, I feel Trembling and very enthusiastic. 
Pengen rasanya kembali ke masa tersebut, bisa lah. Makanya gw ada peribahasa baru buat yang "diatas" tadi. Oleh karena itu peribahasa diatas saya rubah menjadi "TIME IS NOT MONEY". Time is much more important than money. Just Enjoy every moment in 2013 and onwards. 
Reference :
Rono Suhardono - ULTIMATE U

Kamis, 28 Mei 2009


Yak, lomba menulis essay UGM 2009 dimulai !! Kala itu aku iseng2 melihat pengumuman tentang lomba essay ini. Hanya sebatas kepenginan menulis dan melimpahkan skill bahasa Inggris ku adalah motivasi mengukuti lomba ini. Waktu itu, saya masih ucap-ucup dalam bahasa Inggris, cuma ingin tau sampe mana sih kemampuanku. ketik....ketik....ketik....., akhirnya jadi juga essay pertamanku. pertama ga ya ??? Sebenarnya aku agak-agak lupa ini yang pertama atau dulu dah pernah. By the way, it doesn't matter. the important thing is I GOT MY ORIGINAL ESSAY.

this is my essay

By: Faozan Indresputra
Alternative Energy Concept as Solution of Energy Crisis
In this century, energy becomes the most important necessity for human beings. Energy is used for supplying any needs, example for industries, vehicles, power plants, fuels, and etc. In Indonesia, the electricity usage moving increasingly together with escalation of national economic growth. This electricity improvement needs estimated rising up on average for 6,5 percent each year until 2020 (Muchlis,2003; Rudi,2008). Looking of many using electricity for recently, it could be called the ability to supplay electricity is difficult to achieve it, even though the reality still much potential for the other sources energy that unidentified on earth.
The decicion of president No.10 in 2005 about saving energy can be understand based on indicator elasticity of energy and intencity of energy. In Indonesia, energy usage is really wasteful. Many of sides are blame each others especially on political elite level And coorperation in Indonesia. Actually, to solve this case, there are several solutions which commonly to find and develop the new kinds of energy.
Alternative energy appears as solution is result of environment problems. The emission of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide) that causing global warming come from sources energy like oils, fossil fuels, coals, and natural gases escorded with unrenewable. Burning fuels are related with fulfillment of energy sector for economics nation enhancement. Energy crisis is a problem that can be solved with renewable energy and it doesn’t have impact to the environment.
Take a look the position of BBM as unrenewable fuel and the oils stock just only enough at least 30-50 years onward and it has calculated since 2002. it’s only be solved with finds alternative energy. The usage of this energy in Indonesia approximately about 22 percent (Ditjen Listrik dan Pemanfaatan Energi,2001). Whereas, the kinds of alternative energy in Indonesia is abundant, many of people didn’t know or less note from us or the government.
Usage Capacity (MegaWatt)
Large Hydro
Mini/mikro hydro
Solar energy
Wind energy
Source : Ditjen Listrik and Pemanfaatan Energi, 2001

Indonesia as tropical country, certainly has many of renewable resource energy and huge potential for development. First, the most abundant of  solar energy is very reasonable for used. It is remind Indonesia located in tropical area, so the sunlight always exist for each year then it becomes potential for us. Usually, the primary use of solar energy is for heating. The Conversion of solar energy to electric energy is performed by use of solar cells. In addition the energy which reached surface’s earth throughout estimated about 3 x 1024 Joule every years. That number is equal with 20.000 times world’s consumtion. It also a non polluting decentralized source of energy. Otherwise the obstacles is a dequate technology is not available to utilize this source on an extensive scale, needed high cost, and wide field with good efficiency. Moreover, these similar concept are used with solar panel, it is called photovoltaic cell. This concept is compatible to be used in one house, because of the energy produced just little bit. This mode usually used in isolated area from power plant.
Solar energy utilization can be maximalize with Hybrid Solar Lightning (HSL). HSL can be used as exposure at midday to replace PLN electricity. This device is a combination between parabola to collect energy and optic fiber as solar energy bringer from outside to inside. The usage of HSL is capable to save energy reminds up to now many electricity extinction at the day because of using it that surpass the capacity. HSL have simply concept. Parabola is placed on the roof to obtain power from solar. Then, energy is distributed through the optic fiber cabel to HSL panel and at last point is connected to the lamps. The adventages of HSL indeed doesn’t causing pollution. Parabola’s form, diameter, and other variety will affecting focus spot of  the light which is collected. Then, it will be affected on solar energy intensity level.
Wind power is also the other option alternative because it can be used during the day or night. It is suitable for Asia and North America that have windy weather. For Indonesia, it very potential because Indonesia have long coastline which can be used as offshore or onshore wind park.
The third power is hydroelectric power that usually comes from dams currently account for an estimated 90 percent of the electrical energy produced by renewable resource, tidal energy, and wave power are also acceptable for Indonesia which has long coastline area even the length is the biggest after Canada. Rivers and waterfalls which are utilized have not side effect and can be used as irrigation. Wave power usually be applied at wavy oceans then using wave to spin the turbines, but the problem is the destructive ocean waves then impair machine performance. Identical concept is used for Tidal energy. Differently, just only the altitude of sea surface level and bigger waves, so it can produced huge energy.
Another potential source of energy is Geothermal power. Indonesia’s mountains are still active and produce certainly have potential area. Our geothermal supply nearly equal with 20.000 MegaWatt or 40 percent of geothermal world supplies. However, the utilization in Indonesia are still less, it is just 800 MegaWatt or 4 percent from all (Alimin Ginting, 2005). For example Indonesia have enough food, if we want to cook, first that we need is the chef who have abilities to transform it become food. Apperently, the world has concern about geothermal in Indonesia. It proved that Indonesia has been chosen as host of World Geothermal Congress 2010. This Energy is very clean from pollution but need more maintenance to keep the utility because it must working in heat area.
The kind of energy which have water emission is hydrogen. It is save for used and the benefit is almost nothing pollution. Whether hydrogen is renewable or not depends on how it is produced. If produced from water, using renewable sources of electrycity, or from many different kinds of biomass, hydrogen is completely renewable. If hydrogen is produced from natural gases, coals or water, using nuclear energy, hydrogen is not renewable. And the application is also difficult, just many of company that utilized it. While wider usage perhaps many of years.
Bioenergy is the brilliant, accurate, effective, and efficient alternative energy solution because it also prevail energy crisis and garbage disposal problem. The potency of  bioenergy in Indonesia almost reaches 331.232 MegaWatt, however which just used less about 20 percents. Biogas comes from gases which produced by organic matters with utilizing human and animal wastes have obvious environmental benefit or reducing disease as well as allowing the remaining nutrient material to be used as fertilizer. The device which used to process biowaste or biomass inside air close meshed is called digester. Because it is from garbage, certainly very interesting to be developed. For example the utilization of biomass can solve garbages problem in Jakarta City that have amount of average garbages about 20.000 ton each day. It can be transformed to produce electric power almost 100 MegaWatt. To produce electricity, trash can be processed through direct combustible.
Biomass is energy sources which containing solar energy. Using photosynthesis process, green leaves matters to catch solar energy dan convert carbon dioxside from air and water on the ground become carbohydrate, the result is carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Whenever carbohydrate is burned, they will reform become carbon dioxide and release their solar energy. Using this way, biomass are functioned as sort of nature battery to save solar energy. biomass is the way to convert organic matters become energy, in combustion form or convert become liquid fuel. Biomass energy brings many adventages on environtment, reduces air and water pollution. Enhancing soil quality and decreases erosion and restores the wildlife.
Biomass conversion is also enhance biomass utilization through briket or pellet formation (Densifikasi). It will make easily in biomass usage. The puposes are enhancing density of calorie value each unit of volume, makes easily in storage and transportation, have small size and identical quantity (bhattacharya,1996). One of the biomass density utilization example is with burn manner is rice husks usage at Diesel Power Plant Generator. There are milling place PT Pertani at haurgeulis village, Indramayu, West Java. Machine which have height 4 meters is known as Husk Power Plant Generator. It is result of research PT Indonesia Power, the kid of PLN company, born since September 2003. Apparently, this power plant can produce 1 x 100 KiloWatt. Additionally, carbonization is also use same concept to convert organic matters become charcoal. Carbonization degeneration will release flameable matters like CO, CH4, H2, formaldehid, methane, formic, and acetil acid then matters which doesn’t burned like CO2, H2O, and fluid.
 Waterwaste recycle effort which come from households, industries, and agricultural is also a necessary energy in development caused by citizen explosion in some country. Sludge from the result of manufacture waste, if it is processed will produce humat material which have high price for damaging field. In humification procces, water conversation level and heat level are used as basic humification waste material technology. Humat soluable matters is Fulfat Acid. This humic substance have high immunity for soil degradation. Because of that, it is really important on soil management. If humic substance inside soil is empty, then the aggregate is easily dispersed and it makes soil vurnerable for erosion. Processing waste and humification, they can also save mineral resources like natural gases which usually be used as basic production materials of nitrogen fertilizer.
On effort to challenge energy crisis, we can find the solutions with saving energy, wisely for use it in long term or short term. Creating renewable resources solutions in long term through policy decicions that focus on sources energy development which doesn’t increase the amount of heat trapping gases in the atmosphere. Discovering way of technology as short term product. As a responsible world society, starts looking for renewable energy include solar, geothermal, wind, hydro, and biomass energy which doesn’t contribute to greenhouse gases. Afterward providing generous financing for renewable energy.
These potency doesn’t means without government’s support and wide society. Establish development alternative energy team with publish blueprint or arrangement to manifest strategic ways to reach autonomy energy. We’ve known that consume of energy will be higher and higher and the unrenewable energy in Indonesia become diminished. So, the alternative energy is the right choice. In addition to enhancement these alternate power solitions with worthy feasible, cost effective, reduce destructive environment, and electricity utilization will encouragement public to keep natural resource sustainability to a better future of the world.

Wiley, John and Sons. 1981. Energy and Environment in the Developing Countries. School of Management. State University of New York.
Prihandana, Rama dan Roy Hendroko. 2007. Energi Hijau. Jakarta: Penebar Swadaya.
Elis. 2009. “Artikel”. com_content&task=view/ 22 Mei 2009 15.40
Saputra, Hervin. 2008. “Artikel". / 22 mei 2009 16:13
Silverstein, Ken. 2007. “Artikel”. / 22 Mei 2009 16.46

WAH ga nyangka juga bisa juga buat. walaupun masih belepotan bahasanya. Anyway. my essay got 100 point, the highest point. Unfortunately, the point was given by me, not by the jury.
Pada akhirnya essayku menempati urutan KE-2 dari Bawah. kwowkowkowkowkowkw
betapa senengnya hatiku. Gpp lah. Baru juga belajar serius 2 bulan
eh, kalo ada kritik kata2 yang salah di essay mohon isapan saran GANASnya.
thanks, ciiaooooo