Jumat, 13 November 2009

The Y2Y Global Youth Conference 2009 Essay Competition

Berjalan2 dari wall post Alina tadi, saya nemu lomba buat essay lagi. Ya sudah deh cobain lagi. Mumpung lagi ketagihan. Latar belakang dari diadakannya lomba ini berasal dari prospek pasar tenaga kerja sulit. Tergantung pada daerah, pemuda pengangguran ini mudah 2-3 kali lebih tinggi daripada untuk orang dewasa. Terutama di negara-negara berkembang, sekolah-ke-bekerja transisi dapat menjadi proses yang panjang dan membosankan, di mana orang-orang muda meninggalkan sekolah, menjadi pengangguran dan menghabiskan waktu bergerak antara pengangguran, aktivitas dan pekerjaan informal. Bahkan, pemuda telah sering ditemukan untuk secara efektif bertindak sebagai "buffer," menyerap guncangan tidak proporsional selama siklus bisnis negatif, tetapi tidak menguntungkan sesuai selama booming ekonomi.
Dalam upaya untuk strategi untuk meningkatkan lapangan kerja untuk kaum muda, kewirausahaan sering dilihat sebagai suatu sarana penting dan berguna bagi pendapatan alternatif. Dengan sebagian besar penciptaan lapangan kerja secara keseluruhan biasanya berasal dari usaha kecil, yang mendukung kewirausahaan pemuda sekarang sering dianggap sebagai cara tambahan mengintegrasikan pemuda ke pasar tenaga kerja dan mengatasi kemiskinan. Namun, sementara itu diakui bahwa pemuda tahun sangat penting untuk menghasilkan ide-ide dan memperoleh pengalaman yang diperlukan untuk menjadi seorang pengusaha sukses, hanya orang-orang muda itu sendiri membentuk bagian kecil dari semua pengusaha.

Global Youth yang Y2Y Kompetisi Esai Conference 2009 mengajak pemuda untuk berbagi gagasan pada:

Apa saja kendala kewirausahaan pemuda di negara Anda? Apakah krisis global mengubah dinamika? Bagaimana pemerintah dapat membantu pengusaha muda untuk menciptakan dan mengembangkan sosial dan usaha produktif?

Silakan coba untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini dalam salah satu esai konsisten:

1. Apa yang menghalangi orang-orang muda di negara Anda atau komunitas untuk memulai bisnis mereka sendiri atau organisasi? Pikirkan tentang kendala dalam hal kondisi sosial ekonomi, budaya, pendidikan & pengalaman, akses keuangan & infrastruktur, kontak & jaringan, dan peraturan. Dalam seberapa jauh hambatan ini khusus untuk pemuda dibandingkan orang dewasa?

2. Apakah krisis keuangan global memperkuat beberapa kendala ini? Jika ya, apa dinamika?

3. Bagaimana menurut Anda pemerintah dapat / harus dilakukan untuk memperkuat kewirausahaan pemuda di negara Anda, kota atau komunitas lokal? Pikirkan tentang solusi dalam hal kendala yang diidentifikasi di atas.

Dari informasi diatas gw kena sindrom nulis English lagi. Langsung jadi aja ya essaynya. tanpa suara bengkel.

By : Faozan Indresputra
Youth Competency Enhancement in Making Creative Ideas
       The high unemployement point has become world classic problem of manpowership in Indonesia. Futhermore, with global crisis lately, it can be sure amount of unemployed people will be increased. One of the solution is lain in the new graduates who are expected to try to build their own business. After graduate, our bachelors habitual are sending a lot of  job application letters. This problem will always appear if there is no solution.
It is regrettable that many of the younger generation who came to the urban because since they admitted the difficulties  of capital and lack of expertise to manage their own business in their area. In fact, many potential areas could be develop as a new kind of business. Actually, there are many opportunities that are built by goverment institutions and corporation  to facilitate the younger creativity in rural areas for plants to build their own business. The aim is the young people in the village don’t go into town and develop rural economic and also attract back the young people from city to return to the village.
Indonesia has lot of college young graduates. The problem is when graduate they are confuse to get a job because the first thing that they think nothing else just only get a job. When they was studying in college their purpose got better permanent job. This contrasts with the amount of unemployement is often caused by inability to accommocadate the working world of productive labor. The high number of unemployement college graduates is triggered by the innability of these graduates in creating employment. What’s wrong with the education system of our universities ?
       Unwitting college education system in indonesia is still trapped in a functionalist perspective. Education as a primary component of human resource development should serve as a discourse of transformation of the norms and society values to preserve and strengthen the homogeneity of the community through conformity with attitude and skill set of rules that society demands (Durkheim). In this perspective, the human quality of education programming in such a way to fit with the industrial society logic and market demands.  Human beings are objects that must be adapted with industrial system logic that has been awakened. In other words, the basic of our universities education system  are still constructed on the logic of fulfillment production.
       It should be the university education system must base itself on the model of human. This system is in line with the critical paradigm of education looking to make a critical reflection of the dominant system. Condition universities in indonesia are still far from the ideals of human centered development. That’s why empowerment is needed in all youth potential. Reading and analyzing are  necessary  for every  contradiction  in society and find alternative solutions to overcome them.
       Research culture is still low, even if there is, most don’t have a significant value to the community. It is equipped with infrastructure and financial support of all minimal. The failure of the education system and universities in Indonesia to youth centered developent, indicating the absence of sustainable development in the intellectual youth empowerment as a collective human resources. Therefore, it is required strategic partnership between goverment and universities. In the era of regional autonomy, this partnership can be manifested through cooperation in many aspects (especially research) and also agencies plus related institutions both public and private in the region concerned. Superior uniersities in the mastery of both theoretical knowledge and practical, the goverment has a role in public policy, while the private sector has a role in product marketing and financial support.
       At this stage that must be noticed  are first, universities must develop curriculum that capable of academic interest (student) to improve their critical competencies. This condition is necessary to create intellectuals and competitive potential. Second, local goverment offices should realize of their vital role as basic of direct knowledge of the society transforming. During these agencies do not even have a clear competence in developing their vocational field. Third, private side should participate more actively in building their partnership with universities and goverment. That means go to develop the potential of the region so as to produce products that are effective and worth selling in the communitiy with superior quality score. One thing that is also important is the society should also participate actively so as to transfer knowledge directly and correctly. If the partnership is conducted in an integrated and continuous, then some benefits to be achieved are first, the college will be able to create a productive youth being, creative and entrepreneurial spirit so that unemployement of college graduates could be reduced. The competent graduates who can become an expert staff for goverment and private agencies to develop scientific. Second, prefessional services can be improved so that they can perform the function ideally in empowering the community.

     quoted on September 15, 2009

 NEXT ENGLISH TASKS PLEASE ......................... ahahahahahaha mumpung lagi ketagihan

Rabu, 11 November 2009

TIME is MONEY ??? Thinking Again !!

Surfing in the internet, checking updated news, looking for something new are my hobby. Dari sini, banyak sekali yang bisa dipelajari. Salah satu cara buat ngilangin bosen ya gini ini. Nah cerita-cerita, entah ga tau gimana bisa nemu profil FB ni cewek http://www.facebook.com/alina.bezhenar?ref=ts&fref=ts. Namanya Alina Bezhenar, Russian. Kalo dilihat dari profilnya seh kayanya dia aktivis atau semacam young leader gitu. Dia juga banyak buanget channel dan diantaranya lintas negara. Yang namanya channel tuh ternyata penting banget. Dari sini kukorek semua info yang dia bagi biasanya lewat grupnya. Hampir tiap minggu, ada aja kegiatan internasional dari mulai konferensi youth event, magang, pertemuan, etc. Buuaanyyyaakk ammiiittt...... sampe2 dia kayanya ga bisa ngikuti semuanya dan ngasih info FREE OF CHARGE. Orang kaya gini emang yang sering gw suka karakternya. Soalnya, sekarang ini mungkin agak susah yang namanya dapetin infoemasi yang sesuai. Apalagi gw ini karakternya kurang pede kalo dalam memulai pendekatan secara sosial. Sekarang seh lagi belajar cara2 memulai pendekatan dan salah satunya udah gw temuin yaitu dengan cara SHARE IS ABOUT SPREADING BELIEF, HOPE and HAPPINESS.

Coba deh pikirin sejenak apa yang pencapaian mu yang paling kamu banggakan ?? MOBIL, UANG, RUMAH, JOB, PANGKAT  ? Kalo dipikir-pikir itu tuh wajar dan sudah umum. Jika diperhatikan hampir semua kenangan terbaik selalu melibatkan ORANG LAIN not just yourself. Iya ga ??????????? Our Best Memorize always come from other people and it is very important in your live. Liat aja orang2 yang ketika cerita dimana ada orang lain, mereka pasti tidak sabar untuk segera menceritakannya karena itu merupakan CERITA GEMBIRA mereka. 

Dari ini saya coba fight against a proverb "Time is Money" SETUJUU ??????


Yah tergantung pada dimana anda melihatnya dan pandangannya. Kalau saya, I OPPOSE !!!!! kenapa ??? Karena bagi saya waktu itu penting. Ga bisa lagi merasakan hal-hal indah pada masa lalu ketika menceritakan hal tersebut. Just Telling the Story, I feel Trembling and very enthusiastic. 
Pengen rasanya kembali ke masa tersebut, tapiiiii..........ga bisa lah. Makanya gw ada peribahasa baru buat yang "diatas" tadi. Oleh karena itu peribahasa diatas saya rubah menjadi "TIME IS NOT MONEY". Time is much more important than money. Just Enjoy every moment in 2013 and onwards. 
Reference :
Rono Suhardono - ULTIMATE U